Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Success Principles

An adage says “if wishes were horses, beggars will ride”.  Many people wish they are successful – healthy, wealthy, rich, brilliant, outstanding – but are not. Why? Yes, you do not succeed by wishing.  You choose to succeed by applying the principles of success in your life or any area you desire success.
Success is not guaranteed to every human who walks the planet. However, the potential for success is bequeathed to each of us at birth. Success is not an accident or the result of believing that life owes it to you.  Success is not: power, fame, wealth, prosperity, happiness or independence. Once gained, there is no guarantee that the success you have achieved will be maintained indefinitely in any recognizable or       anticipated form. If success is lost, it is not destined to elude us forever. Success is a choice.
You need to know these principles.  When you know these principles; what they are, what they mean to your life and how to put them into action, you will find that success and its by-products: good health, happiness, wealth and satisfying relationships will be yours. These principles works in any part of the world you find yourself.  They are not limited to the developed countries as people think.

One of the key principles of success is obedience to your Creator.  God already desires that you succeed so He deposited in you all that you need to be a success.  You need Him to understand what to do at every point in time.  I keep telling people that in whatever profession you are, whatever career you want to pursue, there is written in the Book of books what it takes to succeed in it.  No wonder, the opening verse urges us to meditate on the Book day and night and make sure we obey all that is written in it. I purposely underline the word ‘then’ in the verse.
The word ‘then’ shows a result that comes from an action. The action here is being obedient to this Book of the Law, even as you read; study and meditate on it day and night. The result is that you make your way prosperous and have good success. Take the verse in proverbs 22:29 “Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” People who have made great success in their chosen career and businesses have been men who are diligent and skillful.

See you for more success principles.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

You Are Born to Succeed

Majority of people has misconceived notion of what success is.  As we examine what success is, we will equally see what it is not.
Success according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is, “the achieving of something you have been trying to do, with a good result.”  It is commanding good results in succession, i.e. having continuous progress.  It is achieving God’s plan and purpose for your life.
As Bishop David Oyedepo defines it, “true success is the accomplishment of an assignment or the attainment of a desired end.  It is the end product of discovery or the product of purpose”.  It is the (inborn) innate desire of every human being; everybody craves after it, everyone celebrates it.  There is an adage: “failure is an orphan, as success has many mothers”.
Success is neither possessions nor position.  Possessions and position is part of the heavenly packages that comes along with it.  It is not synonymous with secular possessions and position.  It is more than that. It not having all the riches in the world and still trying to figure out how to have more of all the riches in the world.  It includes other life-transforming blessings such as joy unspeakable, long life, material wealth, mental wealth, good health and all other things including getting to the peak of your career that you can imagine of.  
Success is not all about having enough money or material things or being the best in your profession. It is encompassing in all aspects of life.  It is not a wish. It should be a keen desire which transcends everything else and back up with determination, diligence and dependence on your Maker.  It is achieving a good result of what you desired to do.
God‘s will for us is success.  He has done everything to make us succeed.  He has made a grand design of success for us.  But not everyone is successful because Success is a choice!